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How to turn on HDMI alt MODE?

HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface is a specified form that combines audio and video into a single digital interface. HDMI can be found on many domestic technological items like TV, projectors, monitors, etc…

If you have a device with a USB-C port, you can turn HDMI Alt mode. First, you should know if your phone has HDMI mode. By directly contacting your device manufacturer or checking the MHL-enabled devices list and the Slim Port supported device list you can know if your device includes this technology.

To find and enable HDMI alt mode in your mobile, plug the adapter into your phone in a USB-C port and then plug on HDMI cable into an adapter to connect the TV. Your mobile will need to support HDMI alt mode, which allows mobile devices to output video. To enable HDMI alt mode to choose settings and select HDMI. Next, select HDMI settings and click on the refresh rate combination.

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Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344