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How to use hidden contacts on phone?

Already you know that you can hide contacts on your phone. In addition to hiding contacts, you can also view them. How to see hidden contacts on phone? It differs whether you own an Android phone/iPhone. 

First, we’ll look at how to see hidden contacts on an Android phone. Sign in to the same Google account. To access the Google account, you should sign in with your email address and correct password. After that have over the contact which you want to see. Look for additional information such as the name, email address and phone number. 

After this, now let’s peep into the way how to see hidden contacts on iPhone. 

First, open the phone app. Tap on “Contacts”. Tap the “Groups” link at the top left. Open the screen of ‘Groups’ and come to the bottom of the screen. Tap on the link “Show all contacts”. Then tap on the link “Done” at the top right. Now you can see the contacts which were hidden in your iPhone. 

In these ways, you can see hidden contacts in your Android phone/iPhone. In addition, you can view hidden contacts using the app named ‘Google Cast’. What you want to do is sign in to the Google account first and see the “Hidden Contacts”. If you don’t want to log into your Google account, you can download the free app also.

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Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344