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How to turn off auto caps on keyboard?

One of the most irritating situations in your life is when things don’t happen exactly as you expected. The auto-capitalization is one of those things that puts capital letters when you don’t want them. The most important thing you must remember is that this has been put on to help you. If you want to know how do I turn off auto caps on my keyboard, know these facts and information.

The on-screen keyboards of Android devices have been designed to make the first letter into a capital letter. It happens from a “Text correction” tool. You can easily navigate to this tool using the gear icon, which has located at the top of the keyboard.

How to turn off auto caps on keyboard quickly?

You must turn on the messaging app on your Android devices. Then open the gear icon, which you can find on the on-screen keyboard.

After getting to settings and tap on the “Text correction.” The “Auto-capitalization” will be down in the menu, and you must tap on it. You must turn the “Auto-capitalization” off by tapping on it. If it is off, the colour will turn Gray instead of Blue.

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Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344