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Scott Heekin-Canedy’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

Scott Heekin-Canedy receives an annual salary of $0.25 Million as President and General Manager of New York Times Co-Cla. He is President and General Manager of the since 2004. Here are more facts about him.

Full name Scott Heekin-Canedy
Birthday N/A
Age N/A
Nationality American
Spouse Anne
Other company Scott Heekin-Canedy worksDow Jones and Doubleday, The Los Angeles Times
Scott Heekin-Canedy’s LinkedIn N/A
Scott Heekin-Canedy’s net worth1.6 Billion USD
Shares Scott Heekin-Canedy own from N/A
Scott Heekin-Canedy experience in New York Times Co-Cla As a senior vice president, Heading circulation, marketing services, president and general manage

Scott Heekin-Canedy’s net worth 

As of 2023, Scott Heekin-Canedy has a net worth of  $1.6 Billion. He has been with the Times since 1992; serving as president and general manager since 2004. Mr. Heekin-Canedy is a member of The New York Times Company Executive Committee.

Academic qualifications of Scott Heekin-Canedy

  • He received a B.A. in political science from Williams College in 1974, 
  • A doctor of laws degree from Northeastern University School of Law in 1979
  • M.B.A. in marketing and finance from Columbia University in 1985.

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