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James M. Follo’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

James M. Follo receives an annual salary of 180,000 USD as Executive vice president and chief financial officer of New York Times Co-Cla. He has been an executive vice president and Chief Financial Officer of the New York Times Co-Cla since 2013. Here are more facts about him.

Full name James M. Follo
Birthday 1959
Age 63
Nationality American
Spouse _
Other company James M. Follo worksMartha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc, General Media International, Inc, a diversified publishing company,
James M. Follo’s LinkedIn Linkedin
James M. Follo’s net worth$6.88 Million
Shares James M. Follo own from _
James M. Follo experience in New York Times Co-Cla As Senior Vice President, Executive vice president, and Chief Financial Officer

James M. Follo’s net worth 

As of 2023, James M. Follo has a net worth of $6.88 Million. James M. Follo became was named executive vice president and chief financial officer in April 2013. Since January 2007, Mr. Follo had served as senior vice president and chief financial officer.

Academic qualifications of James M. Follo

  • Mr. Follo received a B.S. in accounting from the State University of New York at New Paltz in 1981
  • A member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. 

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