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Michael Golden’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

Michael Golden receives an annual salary of $263,340 as Vice Chairman of  New York Times Co – Cla. He is Vice Chairman of the New York Times Co -Cla since 1997. Here are more facts about him.

Full name Michael Davis Golden
Birthday 1955
Age 67
Nationality American
Spouse Anne Goodrich Barnes
Other company Michael Golden worksChattanooga Times in Tennessee
Michael Golden’s LinkedIn Linkedin
Michael Golden’s net worth$4.38 Million
Shares Michael Golden own from 266,180
Michael Golden experience in New York Times Executive Vice President and Publisher, Board of Directors, Vice Chairman

Michael Golden’s net worth 

As of 2023, Michael Golden has $4.38 Million. In 1984, Golden joined the New York Times Company and served as Production Manager of Family Circle magazine. From 1994 to 1996, Golden was Executive Vice President and Publisher at Tennis magazine. In 1997 Golden was elected to the Board of Directors of The New York Times Company, and named Vice Chairman in October of that year.

Academic qualifications of Michael Golden

  • A double graduate of Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
  • he earned his bachelor’s degree in 1971 and master’s in education in 1974. Master’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri in 1977, MBA from Emory University in 1984

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