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Independent Director of FRC bank, Roger O. Walther Net worth & Salary 2023

Roger O. Walther, the Independent Director of First Republic Bank San Francisco, is estimated to have a net worth of 823,026 USD in 2023. Also, Roger O. Walther received a salary of 290,000 USD as an Independent Director of First Republic bank.

With over 65 years of experience in the financial industry, He is an accomplished executive with valuable expertise in his field. As the independent director of First Republic bank.

, he plays a critical role in ensuring the provides wealth management, securities brokerage, banking, asset management, custody, and financial advisory services. The company operates in two segments, Investor Services, and Advisor Services.

This article will explore Roger’s educational background, work experiences, net worth, and salary. Stay with the end of the article to know more about Him.

Full name Roger O. Walther
Birthday 1939
Age (As of 2023)84
Nationality American
Wife NameAnne live 
Roger O. Walther’s net worth as of 2023823,026 USD
Other company He worksN/A
LinkedIn LinkedIn
Twitter NA
Shares Roger O. Walther owns from Charles Schwab stock15,453
Roger O. Walther’s experience in First republic bank38 Years

Roger O. Walther’s net worth 

As of 2023, Roger O. Walther has 823,026 USD. As of 2023, he has 15,453 shares in Charles Schwab stock.

Academic qualifications of Roger O. Walther

Year Qualification University 
1958B.SUnited States Coast Guard Academy
1961M.B.AWharton School, University of Pennsylvania


Roger O. Walther is a highly accomplished banking executive with an impressive track record of success. His educational background and work experiences have provided him with the necessary skills and expertise to lead First Republic Bank to continued success. Overall, He is a valuable asset to First Republic Bank and the banking industry as a whole. 

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344