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Independent Director of SVB, Kay Matthews Net worth & Salary 2023

Kay Matthews, the Independent Director of Silicon Valley Bank, is estimated to have a net worth of 246,000 USD in 2023. Also, Kay Matthews receives a salary of 237,530 USD as an Independent Director of SVB.

With over 41 years of experience in the financial industry, She is an accomplished executive with valuable expertise in his field. As the former Independent Director of SVB, he plays a critical role in ensuring the bank’s efficient and seamless functioning. 

This article will explore Kay Matthews’s educational background, work experiences, net worth, and salary. Stay with the end of the article to know more about Her.

Full name Beverly Kay Matthews 
Birthday 1962
Age (As of 2023)61
Nationality American
husband NameUnknown
Kay Matthews’s net worth as of 20232,540 USD
Other company She worksBoard of Directors of Main Street Capital Corporation
LinkedIn LinkedIn
Twitter Unknown
Shares Kay Matthews owns from SVB2,374
Kay Matthews experience in SVB3Years

Kay Matthews’s net worth 

As of 2023, Kay Matthews has a net worth of 246,000 USD. As of 2023, she has 2,374 shares in SVB.

Academic qualifications of Kay Matthews

Year Qualification University 
1976 – 1980BBA with Honors, AccountingTexas Tech University


Kay Matthews is a highly accomplished banking executive with an impressive track record of success. His educational background and work experiences have provided him with the necessary skills and expertise to lead Silicon Valley Bank to continued success. Overall, She is a valuable asset to Silicon Valley Bank and the banking industry as a whole. 

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344