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How to turn off Tamagotchi 2022?

Holding a pet in the palm of a person could be something adorable. What if that pet is a digital creation? That will be something impressive, doesn’t it? Akihiro Yokoi of WiZ and Aki Maita of Bandai are the founders of this pet.  Among the most common questions regarding this pet, people had searched how to turn off Tamagotchi 2022. Although there is an option to pause the pet, you will need special awareness to turn off the pet as it consumes too much power.

How to turn off Tamagotchi 2022?

If you are looking for a way to turn off this amazing toy, you must know there is no specific way. There are two ways to do that, removing the batteries and inserting the cardboard strip into the hole, which disconnects the batteries from the circuit. You will have to refer to the backside of the how to turn off Tamagotchi 2022 to find the batteries. After removing it, you may save its power. If you can find the cardboard strip which was disconnecting the circuit, you will be able to us that for the same purpose.

Also read: How to recharge a puff bar?

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344