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Who is Malik Brookins? Famous TikToker Birthday, Age, and Net worth

Malik Brookins is 23 years old famous TikToker and Social media influencer. He has 1 Million followers on TikTok. Here are some interesting facts about him.

Name Malik Brookins
Age 23 years old
BirthdayAugust 17, 1999
Country USA
Relationship Single 
Joined date17 Aug 2013
Malik Brookins’s Net worth240k – 500k USD

Malik Brookins’s Most viral Tiktok videos

@malik_brookins ❤️‍🔥 #duetme #fyp ♬ original sound – Big Daws
@malik_brookins follow back if you agree 🙂 #fyp #viral ♬ Dedicated to the One I Love – The Mamas & The Papas
@malik_brookins whenever i get to drive the boat #fyp @CAROL @kcup @ELLA ♬ original sound – Malik

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Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
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