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Steven Williams’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

Steven Williams receives an annual salary of $1.8 Million as CEO, of PFNA of PepsiCo Inc. He is CEO, of PFNA of PepsiCo Inc since 2019. Here are more facts about him.

Full name Steven Williams
Birthday 1969
Age 53
Nationality American
Spouse _
Other company Steven Williams worksQuaker Oats Company, Frito-Lay’s East division
Steven Williams’s LinkedIn Linkedin
Steven Williams’s net worth$15.5Million
Shares Steven Williams owns from 71,276 units
Steven Williams experience in PepsiCo leadership experience,general management, customer management

Steven Williams’s net worth 

As of 2023, Steven Williams has a net worth $15.5Million. Steven joined PepsiCo in 2001. has served as CEO since March 2019. He is a 24-year veteran of PepsiCo with strong leadership experience across the food industry. 

Academic qualifications of Steven Williams

  • A Bachelor of Arts in economics from the University of Central Oklahoma
  • Graduate of the Program for Leadership Development (PLD) at Harvard Business School.

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