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Hugh F. Johnston’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

Hugh F. Johnston receives an annual salary of $5.5 Million as Vice Chairman, Executive Vice President, and Chief Financial Officer of Pepsico Inc. He is Vice Chairman, EVP, and CFO of Pepsico Inc since 1987. Here are more facts about him.

Full name Hugh Francis Johnston
Birthday August 16, 1961
Age 61
Nationality American
Spouse _
Other company Hugh F. Johnston worksAudit committee of Microsoft Corporation,e Peterson Institute for InternationalEconomics, AOL
Hugh F. Johnston’s LinkedIn Linkedin
Hugh F. Johnston’s net worth$83.5 Million 
Shares Hugh F. Johnston own from   _
Hugh F. Johnston experience in PepsicoExecutive Vice President, Global Operations, PepsiCo; President, Pepsi-Cola North America; Senior VicePresident,Transformation, PepsiCo; Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer..

Hugh F. Johnston’s net worth 

As of 2023, Hugh F. Johnston has net worth of $83.5 Million. Hugh joined PepsiCo in 1987 and has served in a variety of positions, including Executive Vice President, Global Operations, PepsiCo; President, of Pepsi-Cola North America; Senior Vice President, Transformation, PepsiCo; Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, PepsiCo Beverages and Foods; and Senior Vice President, Mergers and Acquisitions, PepsiCo. 

Academic qualifications of Hugh F. Johnston

  • A bachelor of science from Syracuse University and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

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