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How to make grilled cheese without Butter?

As a person who has tasted awesome grilled cheese, you must know that the flavor given by Butter is unique. Simply you cannot replace Butter as an ingredient. But, there are a few more ingredients you can use instead of Butter. Although they cannot provide the unique taste of Butter, you may use them for a different but better taste. The following tips will show you how to make grilled cheese without Butter.

  • Olive oil is the best choice you’ve got. It delivers a healthier taste for you without fat. You have to use Olive oil at a lower temperature than Butter as well.
  • Bacon fat is among the budget choices. You will have plenty of leftovers for this task. Also, the taste will be similar to Butter.
  • Coconut oil has got a pleasant smell. But, the taste will not be there. Since you can choose virgin coconut oil, you will be able to avoid unfavorable health conditions although you use it longer.

If the crispiness is one of your concerns, then Ghee will be the best choice. You get to enjoy a similar taste. More importantly, you will need to burn them more than Butter which makes you get the best quality smoothly

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Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344