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How much does Frederic Chen make from Youtube?

Frederic Chen is most known on Youtube. He has over 791k subscribers on Youtube. Let’s find out how much he earns through his social media. Also, we have researched some quick facts about Frederic Chen that might pique your interest.

How much does Frederic Chen make from Youtube? 

Frederic Chen earns around 2.5k USD per month from his Youtube. He also earns around 100k USD  from brand Sponsorships and other paid partnerships such as Hydro, and Rare. 

It is estimated that Frederic Chen has an annual total income of  1.2M USD. Also, Frederic Chen has an estimated net worth of 1.5M USD as of 2022.

Some quick facts about Frederic Chen

Known asFrederic Chen
Real nameFrederic Chen
Age21 years old (as of 2022)
BirthdayJune 28, 2001
Currently live inNew York, NY, United States
How much does he charge for sponsorships?9000 USD
Net worth1.5 Million USD (as of 2022)

Some of Frederic Chen’s viral moments 

Social media 

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