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How much do you think Lionel Messi makes from Instagram? (With new facts) 

Lionel Messi is a world-famous Football player and social media influencer. Not only he has over 361 million followers on Instagram but also his videos have over 20 million views monthly from all over the platforms. However how much do you think he makes from social media? Let’s find out

How much Lionel Messi makes from Instagram

Name Lionel Messi
age35 years old
Platform Youtube, Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, 
Followers, and subscribers on 2022Youtube  1.3Million  Facebook 106 Million  Tiktok       2.1 Million   Instagram 361 Million 
Chargers per one post1,777,000 USD
How much make from social media 10.6 Million USD per month(This calculation are based on his last month paid partnerships on Instagram)
Total net worth 2022600 Million USD
Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344