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Can Black People Get Lice

Can Black People Get Lice: Lice are tiny parasites that can attach themselves to the hair of humans. They are most commonly spread through head-to-head contact, but they can also be spread through contact with contaminated objects. Lice are not a sign of poor hygiene and they can affect people of all ages and races.

Head lice are not only a problem among white people. African Americans can also have head lice. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, on the other hand, claims that African Americans are less likely to acquire head lice than other people. This might be due to the fact that most head lice in the United States. Most of the population is of European descent and they are more likely to have head lice than African Americans.

According To CDC

CDC also claims that most parents don’t need to check their kids for head lice unless they notice their child scratching his or her head a lot. According to the CDC, if a parent does find out that their children have head lice, the first thing they should do is to treat their children with a special shampoo that can kill the lice and their eggs.

Once this has been done, the parent of the child that has head lice should probably check his or her own hair for any signs that they might have head lice as well. If a parent does find out that he or she has head lice, the first thing they should do is go to their local pharmacy and ask for a special shampoo that kills lice.

CDC says that it is best to use the same shampoo on one’s children as well because it is effective in killing all types of head lice. Once the parent has treated his or her children and him or herself, they should probably check his or her other children as well. If the parent finds out that he or she does indeed have head lice, then the parent should follow the CDC’s steps for getting rid of head lice.

Lice Symptoms

  • In the hair, you may feel itching or tickling.
  • Presence of visible head lice and nits (lice eggs)
  • Itchy scalp.
  • Live lice on hair shafts.
  • Red, irritated skin on the scalp, neck, and ears.
  • Sleep disturbances, as head lice are most active at night.
  • Scratching scalp and other symptoms, such as fever or headache.

If you’re African American and think that you may have head lice, it is best to visit your doctor, call a local clinic or go to your nearest emergency room if the itching is causing you a lot of discomforts. This is because African Americans may not be able to tell the difference between symptoms of lice and symptoms of other conditions such as the dry scalp, dandruff, or psoriasis.

Lice Treatment for African Americans

  • The first step in treating head lice among African Americans is by using a special shampoo that kills the lice and their eggs. It is important to use the same shampoo on all affected individuals such as children and adults because it will kill all forms of head lice efficiently.
  • Once this has been done, people should wash their hair with regular shampoo and conditioner to remove any residual nits (lice eggs).
  • After the hair has been dried, a nit comb should be used to remove dead nits (lice eggs) from the hair.
  • If head lice symptoms such as itchiness and irritation persist after using the special shampoo, it is best to visit your doctor for other possible treatments.


It is best to treat head lice in children as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, African Americans may not be able to tell the difference between symptoms of lice and other scalp conditions such as dandruff or psoriasis. This is because African American skin types can look very similar to that of a white person’s skin.

Most doctors recommend the use of a small amount (about one to two tablespoons) of mayonnaise on the hair. The mayonnaise should be massaged onto the scalp and left in the hair for about an hour before it is washed off with shampoo.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association considers that African Americans should use some extra hair care methods, including the ones listed below:

  • Washing the hair once a week or every other week
  • Using conditioner with every hair wash, making sure to coat the ends of the hair
  • Using a hot oil treatment twice monthly
  • Applying a heat-protecting product to wet hair before styling it
  • Sticking with a ceramic or iron comb for pressing hair
  • Ensuring that braids, cornrows, or weaves are not too tight
  • Drying the hair instead of air-drying it
  • Keeping hairstyles shorter
  • Avoiding chemical relaxing treatments (called “perms” by some)
  • Using an over-the-counter dandruff shampoo on curly hair to reduce dryness
  • Getting regular trims for split ends and hair breakage, which can also lead to more tangles
  • Using lightweight conditioners and sprays for styling instead of heavy pomades and gels, which can make the hair appear greasy and dirty
  • Doing a deep-conditioning treatment at least twice a month
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Kesara Bandaragoda
Articles: 110