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Thomas W. Sweet’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

Thomas W. Sweet receives an annual salary of $1.38 Million as Chief Financial Officer of Dell Technologies Inc. He is the Chief Financial Officer of the Dell Technologies Inc  since 2014. Here are more facts about him.

Full name Thomas W. Sweet
Birthday 1961
Age 60
Nationality American
Spouse _
Other company Thomas W. Sweet worksTelos Corporation,Trimble,University of Texas McCombs School of Business and the Salvation Army of Central Texas.
Thomas W. Sweet’s LinkedIn Linkedin
Thomas W. Sweet’s net worth$9.18 Million  
Shares Thomas W. Sweet own from 84,968 shares of Dell Technologies Inc (DELL), owns about 3,682 shares of Trimble Inc (TRMB)
Thomas W. Sweet experience in Dell Technologies Inc  vice president,controller, head of internal audit, and chief accounting officer,CFO

Thomas W. Sweet’s net worth 

As of 2023, Thomas W. Sweet has a net worth of $9.18 Million. He joined Dell in 1997 and held various leadership positions before assuming the CFO role, including Vice President of Corporate Finance, Controller, Head of Internal Audit, and Chief Accounting Officer. He has been Chief Financial Officer of Dell Technologies Inc  since 2014 

Academic qualifications of Thomas W. Sweet

  • A bachelor’s degree in business administration from Western Michigan University and is a Certified Public Accountant.

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