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COO of BlackRock, Rob L. Goldstein’s Net worth & Salary as of 2023

Rob L. Goldstein’s salary, as of 2023, is 12.58 million USD as Chief Operating Officer & Global Head of BlackRock Solutions of BlackRock Group. Also, Rob L. Goldstein’s net worth is 47.6 Million USD, as of 2023. 48 years old Rob L. Goldstein has worked 8 years in BlackRock as Chief Operating Officer & Global Head of BlackRock Solutions and has 28 years of journey in the BlackRock group. Before becoming a Chief Operating Officer & Global Head of BlackRock Solutions, he held headed the firm’s Institutional Client positions at BlackRock. Rob L. Goldstein 

Full name Rob L. Goldstein
Birthday 1974
Age (As of 2023)48 Years Old
Nationality N/A
Wife NameN/A
Rob L. Goldstein’s net worth as of 202347.6 Million USD
Rob L. Goldstein’s LinkedIn N/A
Rob L. Goldstein’s Twitter N/A
Shares Rob L. Goldstein owns from N/A
Rob L. Goldstein’s experience in BlackRockChief Operating Officer & Global Head of BlackRock Solutions, Analyst 

Rob L. Goldstein’s net worth 

As of 2023, Rob L. Goldstein has 47.6 Million USD USD. Rob L. Goldstein owns 1776 shares from the BlackRcok group.

Academic qualifications of Rob L. Goldstein

Year Qualification University 
1994BS degree, magna cum laude, in economicsBinghamton University

Awards Rob L. Goldstein won

Mr. Goldstein was twice named to Fortune’s “40 under 40″ list

he has been identified as one of the top technology entrepreneurs in the financial services industry by Institutional Investor’s “Tech 50” list.


Rob L. Goldstein is one of the respected and grateful characters of the BlackRock group, and he takes BlackRock to success with his. With the best of luck for Rob L. Goldstein’s future, we are waiting to bring his victories to you.

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344