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GH of BlackRock, Raffaele Savi’s Net worth & Salary as of 2023

Raffaele Savi’s salary, as of 2023, is 305,616 USD as Global Head of BlackRock Systematic

Raffaele Savi has worked for 2 years in BlackRock Systematic as Global Head and has 17 years of journey in the BlackRock group. Before becoming a Global Head of BlackRock Systematic, he held Head of Developed Markets positions at BlackRock. Raffaele Savi also has 4 years of experience in Rome company as Adjunct Professor- Quantitative Finance. Stay with the entire article to find out more about Raffaele Savi.

Full name Raffaele Savi
Birthday 1970-1980
Age (As of 2023)40-50 years old
Nationality N/A
Wife NameN/A
Raffaele Savi’s net worth as of 2023N/A
Raffaele Savi’s Linkedin Linkedin 
Raffaele Savi’s Twitter N/A
Shares Raffaele Savi own from N/A
Raffaele Savi’s experience in BlackRock Managing Director, Global Head of BlackRock Systematic, Head of Developed Markets

Raffaele Savi’s net worth 

As of 2023, Raffaele Savi’s net worth is still secret. 

Academic qualifications of Raffaele Savi

Year Qualification University 
1997degree in Electronic Engineeringthe University of Rome

Conclusion Raffaele Savi is one of the respected and grateful characters of the BlackRock group, and he takes BlackRock to success with his. With the best of luck for Raffaele Savi’s future, we are waiting to bring his victories to you.

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344