Worlds Knowledge in Your Pocket.

"Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality." by Dalai Lama

HAP of BlackRock, Rachel Lord’s Net worth & Salary as of 2023

Rachel Lord’s salary, as of 2023, is 244,373 USD as Chair and Head of Asia Pacific of BlackRock. Also, Rachel Lord’s net worth is 15.8 Million USD, as of 2023.

 As of 2023, Rachel Lord is 56 years old

Rachel Lord has worked for 1 year in BlackRock as Chair and Head of Asia Pacific and has 9 years of journey in BlackRock. Before becoming a Chair and Head of Asia Pacific, she held Senior Managing Director, Head of EMEA positions at BlackRock. Rachel Lord also has 4 years of experience in Citigroup company as Managing Director. Stay with the entire article to find out more about Rachel Lord.

Full name Rachel Lord
Birthday 1967 Years Old
Age (As of 2023)56
Nationality N/A
husband NameN/A
Rachel Lord’s net worth as of 202315.8 Million USD
Rachel Lord’s Linkedin Linkedin 
Rachel Lord’s Twitter N/A
Shares Rachel Lord owns from N/A
Rachel Lord’s experience in BlackRockChair and Head of Asia Pacific, Senior Managing Director, Head of EMEA, Head of iShares, EMEA

Rachel Lord’s net worth 

As of 2023, Rachel Lord has 15.8 Million USD

Academic qualifications of Rachel Lord

Year Qualification University 
1990qualified as a Chartered Accountant
1987BA (Hons) First Class in International History & PoliticsUniversity of Leeds

Awards Rachel Lord won

In 2020, she was named by the Financial News (UK) as one of the 100 most influential women in European Finance for the 10th year running

Conclusion Rachel Lord is one of the respected and grateful characters of the BlackRock, and she takes a BlackRock to success with her. With the best of luck for Rachel Lord’s future, we are waiting to bring her victories to you.

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344