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VC of BlackRock, Philipp Hildebrand’s Net worth & Salary as of 2023

Philipp Hildebrand’s salary, as of 2023, is 260,862 USD as Vice Chairman of BlackRock Group. Also, Philipp Hildebrand’s net worth is 1.5 Million USD, as of 2023. As of 2023, Philipp Hildebrand is 59 years old

Philipp Hildebrand has worked 10 years in BlackRock as Vice Chairman and has 10 years of journey in the BlackRock Group. Philipp Hildebrand also has 8 years of experience in the Swiss central bank, company as the head. Stay with the entire article to find out more about Philipp Hildebrand.

Full name Philipp Michael Hildebrand
Birthday July 19, 1963 
Age (As of 2023)59 Years Old
Nationality Swiss
Wife NameMargarita Louis-Dreyfus
Philipp Hildebrand’s net worth as of 20231.5 million USD
Philipp Hildebrand’s Linkedin N/A
Philipp Hildebrand’s Twitter Twitter
Shares Philipp Hildebrand owns from N/A
Philipp Hildebrand’s experience in BlackRockVice Chairman 

Philipp Hildebrand’s net worth 

As of 2023, Philipp Hildebrand has 1.5 million USD. As of 2023, 

Academic qualifications of Philipp Hildebrand

Year Qualification University 
1988BAUniversity of Toronto
MAGraduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva
1994DPhilUniversity of Oxford

Awards Philipp Hildebrand won

  • 2011 – “Central Bank Governor of the Year 2012”, awarded by The Banker


Philipp Hildebrand is one of the respected and grateful characters of the BlackRock group, and he takes BlackRock to success with his. With the best of luck for Philipp Hildebrand’s future, we are waiting to bring his victories to you.

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344