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CPO of Forbes, Nina Gould’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

Nina Gould’s salary, as of 2023, is 78,563 USD as Chief Product Officer of Forbes. Nina Gould has worked for 3 years in Forbes as Chief Product Officer and has 30 years of journey in Forbes. Before becoming a Chief Product Officer, she held VP of Product positions at Forbes.

Full name Nina Gould
Birthday N/A
Age (As of 2023)N/A
Nationality American
husband NameN/A
Nina Gould’s net worth as of 2023N/A
Other company Nina Gould worksSmall marketing firms, focusing on branding, marketing collateral design, and web design.
Nina Gould’s LinkedIn LinkedIn
Nina Gould’s Twitter Twitter
Shares Nina Gould owns from N/A
Nina Gould’s experience in ForbesChief Product Officer, VP of Product, Art Director, Head of Product Design

Nina Gould’s net worth 

As of 2023, Nina Gould’s net worth is still a secret.

Academic qualifications of Nina Gould

Year Qualification University 
1988 – 1993B.A.PhotographyBard College


Nina Gould is one of the respected and grateful characters of Forbes, and she takes Forbes to success with her. With the best of luck for Nina Gould’s future, we are waiting to bring her victories to you.

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344