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AME of Forbes, Kerry Dolan’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

Kerry Dolan’s salary, as of 2023, is 55,000 USD as Assistant Managing Editor of Forbes. Kerry has worked 9  years in Forbes as Assistant Managing Editor and has 25 years of journey in the Forbes group. Before becoming an Assistant Managing Editor, she held staff writer, associate editor, senior editor, and technology editor positions at Forbes. Kerry Dolan also has more than a decade of experience in the coverage of the world’s billionaires and the richest self-made women in the U.S. For more than a decade she was one of two editors in charge of the massive reporting effort that goes into Forbes’ annual World’s Billionaires list and the annual Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans. Stay with the entire article to find out more about Kerry Dolan.

Full name Kerry Dolan
Birthday N/A
Age (As of 2023)N/A
Nationality American
Husband NameN/A
Kerry Dolan’s net worth as of 2023N/A
Other company Kerry Dolan worksReporter/Editor – Market News ServiceCopy Editor – Nikkei Newspapers
Kerry Dolan’s LinkedIn LinkedIn
Kerry Dolan’s Twitter Twitter
Kerry Dolan’s emailemail
Shares Kerry Dolan owns from N/A
Kerry Dolan’s experience in ForbesAssistant Managing Editor, staff writer, associate editor, senior editor, and technology editor

Kerry Dolan’s net worth 

As of 2023, Kerry Dolan’s net worth is still secret.

Academic qualifications of Kerry Dolan

Year Qualification University 
BA, Asian StudiesAmherst College
M.S, Journalism Columbia University
M. I. A. International StudiesColumbia SIPA

Awards Kerry Dolan won

  • 2014, Kerry Dolan won an Overseas Press Club award for an article she wrote about Saudi Arabian billionaire investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal
  • Gerald Loeb Award with co-author Rafael Marques de Morais for an article they wrote about Isabel dos Santos, the eldest daughter of Angola’s former president.
  • Eddie Award for Best Business Magazine Single ArticleEddie Award for Best Business Magazine Single Article


Kerry Dolan is one of the respected and grateful characters of the Forbes group, and she takes Forbes to success with her. With the best of luck for Kerry’s future, we are waiting to bring her victories to you.

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344