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SVP, Sales & C-Suite Communities Lead of Forbes, Janett Haas’s Salary & Net worth as of 2023

Janett Haas’s salary, as of 2023, is 25,000 USD as SVP, Sales & C-Suite Communities Lead of Forbes. Janett has worked 8 months in Forbes as SVP, Sales & C-Suite Communities Lead and has 11 years of journey in the Forbes group. Before becoming an SVP, Sales & C-Suite Communities Lead, she held SVP Strategic Partnerships | CMO Practice, SVP Strategic Partnerships | CMO Practice, SVP Sales, Western & Central Regions, Vice President Sales, Western & Central Regions, Western Region Sales Director positions at Forbes. Janett Haas also has 9 years of experience as a National Ad Sales Director, Regional Sales Manager, and Director of Sales / Regional Sales Manager (LA & NY). Stay with the entire article to find out more about Janett Haas.

Full name Janett Haas
Birthday N/A
Age (As of 2023)N/A
Nationality American
Husband NameN/A
Janet Haas’s net worth as of 2023N/A
Other company Janet Haas worksNational Ad Sales Director, Regional Sales Manager, and Director of Sales / Regional Sales Manager (LA & NY).
Janet Haas’s LinkedIn LinkedIn
Janet Haas’s Twitter Twitter
Shares Janet Haas owns from N/A
Janet Haas’s experience in ForbesSVP, Sales & C-Suite Communities Lead, Strategic Partnerships | CMO Practice, SVP Strategic Partnerships

Janett Haas’s net worth 

As of 2023, Janett Haas’s net worth is still secret.

Academic qualifications of Janett Haas

Year Qualification University 
1988-1993BS, International BusinessSan Francisco State University, Lam Family College of Business


Janett Haas is one of the respected and grateful characters of the Forbes group, and she takes Forbes to success with her. With the best of luck for Janett’s future, we are waiting to bring her victories to you.

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344