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"Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality." by Dalai Lama

Category FAQs

How to add friends on Osu?

How to add friends on Osu?

Osu is a music game developed by Dean “peppy.” Although you can enjoy it for up to hours, you might not be aware that you can enjoy the game with your friends and play online. This small guide will help…

Tips on How to pause Tamagotchi?

how to pause Tamagotchi?

Tamagotchi is a virtual pet that you can adopt. Instead of your smartphone, you have to hold it in your hand, which is your specialty. But, we have to admit that there are disadvantages to it too. For example, not…

How to get off the smell of weed?

How to get off the smell of weed?

Among the shameful things in the world, as people admit, the use of weed is crucial. Although how much enjoyment you may take, the shame can’t hide that. The best way to get fun with weed is to hide what…

How to get a bee out of your car?

how to get a bee out of your car?

Only people are supposed to be using your car for transportation. Although that is how things happen, intruders and unauthorized passengers can be in it, such as insects. Things matter when the particular unauthorized passenger is a bee, a stingy…

How to humanely kill a pet?

How to humanely kill a pet ?

There can be reasons why you have to kill a pet humanely. Being a sensitive person, you can’t see your pet suffering, your pet can’t live as it was, and your pet being old are a few reasons to kill…