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Category FAQs

How to turn on HDMI alt MODE?

How to turn on HDMI alt MODE

HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface is a specified form that combines audio and video into a single digital interface. HDMI can be found on many domestic technological items like TV, projectors, monitors, etc… If you have a device with…

Do you know How to boil eggs?

How to boil eggs

If you are a human, Of course, you have to have breakfast. So, at least once in your life, you must have faced the question of how to boil eggs. Here is an easy guide on how to boil eggs.…

How to copy and paste on Xbox?

How to copy and paste on Xbox?

Your Xbox is not just a gaming console that allows you to play with others but communicates with your friends. As one of the features of its communication, the Copy and Paste option performs a great job in the end.…