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President of BlackRock, Rob Kapito’s Net worth & Salary as of 2023

Rob Kapito’s salary, as of 2023, is 349,149 USD as President and Director of BlackRock Group. Also, Rob Kapito’s net worth is 257 Million USD, as of 2023. As of 2023, Rob Kapito is 65 years old.

Rob Kapito has worked 16 years in BlackRock as President and Director. Before becoming a President and a Director, he held Head of BlackRock’s Portfolio Management Group positions at BlackRock. Rob Kapito also has experience in The First Boston Corporation company as a Vice President. Stay with the entire article to find out more about Rob Kapito.

Full name Rob Kapito
Birthday February 8, 1957
Age (As of 2023)65 Years Old
Nationality American
Wife NameN/A
Rob Kapito’s net worth as of 2023257 Million USD
Rob Kapito’s LinkedIn N/A
Rob Kapito’s Twitter N/A
Shares Rob Kapito owns from N/A
Rob Kapito’s experience in BlackRockPresident and a Director, Head of BlackRock’s Portfolio Management Group

Rob Kapito’s net worth 

As of 2023, Rob Kapito has 257 Million USD, As of 2023. Rob Kapito owns 37,588 shares from BlackRock.

Academic qualifications of Rob Kapito

Year Qualification University 
1979BS degree in economics Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania 
1983MBA degreeHarvard Business School

Awards Rob Kapito won

  • Mr. Kapito is the recipient of the 2009 Joseph Wharton Leadership Award.
  • The Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation’s 2010 Semper Fidelis Award


Rob Kapito is one of the respected and grateful characters of the BlackRock group, and he takes BlackRock to success with his. With the best of luck for Rob Kapito’s future, we are waiting to bring his victories to you.

Kalana Dhananjaya
Kalana Dhananjaya
Articles: 344